Service Housing


The newest technology for service housing fire protection

NordicFlow® low-pressure water mist system represents the latest technology in fire protection and it is suitable for almost all types of buildings. The system alarm valves and nozzles are Danish VID Fire-Kill’s high-quality products, which have been extensively tested and certified for different applications.

The existence of an automatic fire extinguishing system is particularly critical in supported and service housing facilities and nursing homes, because of the age-related capacity loss, which is problematic in terms of fire safety. Large proportion of the fires are fatal in less than 5 minutes from the ignition. Therefore people whose perception or mobility is reduced, might not be able to escape quickly enough.  As you get older, the risk of death caused by fire increases significantly. According to the different statistics, the risk for over 80-year-olds is 10-20 times higher compared to younger age groups. Automatic fire extinguishing system is clearly the most effective way to prevent serious damage in the early stages of the fire. It will extinguish the fire or control it effectively, giving valuable extra time for the escape and rescue before the arrival of the fire department.

Discreet but effective

NordicFlow® low-pressure water mist fire extinguishing system is efficient in both extinguishing and controlling the fire, and it is very unnoticeable when installed. The nozzles can be ordered in the same color with surface material and the piping installation is done with neat press fittings. The nozzles operate one by one as a result of rising temperature and start spreading tiny droplets of water into the fire. Compared to conventional sprinklers water mist nozzles use significantly less water while still maintaining equivalent or greater extinguishing effect. As a result, the property will suffer less damage by the extinguishing water.

NordicFlow® fire extinguishing system is genuinely open to competition

The system is delivered to the contractors by the Nordic regions leading fire protection equipment wholesaler Enexia. The offers for installation and maintenance of the system can be requested from several companies in the sector. Installation of an automatic fire extinguishing system also tend to reduce the property insurance fees.

Advantages of the system

The basic operation of the low pressure water mist system does not differ much from normal sprinkler systems, which have been successfully used in fire protection for more than hundred years. Simple technology ensures reliable operation! However, the water mist system has some obvious advantages compared with traditional sprinkler system:

  • Lower water consumption (typically 60-80%), still equivalent extinguishing effect
  • Less damage by the extinguishing water
  • Aesthetically better looking, blending in with the surroundings
  • Less prone to vandalism or accidentally broken nozzles
  • Smaller pipe size -> smaller overall weight
  • Less corrosion problems

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